Individual and Junior Members

Professional scientists whose research is directly relevant to some branch of astronomy are eligible to apply as Individual Members. Individual Members are, normally, admitted by the Executive Committee on the proposal of a National Member.

Junior scientists who have completed their PhD studies between 2015 and 2020 and who are in the initial phase of the career of a professional researcher in some branch of astronomy or a related field may be admitted to the Union by the Executive Committee as Junior Members, for a period not exceeding 6 years.

Individual and Junior Members listed in the IAU Directory have a valid, public email, and are affiliated to at least one Division. They are labeled as "Active Members". For corrections and updates, please contact Any members remaining Inactive for more than 3 years will be removed from the IAU lists.

Additionally, while only Active Members are listed in the IAU Directory, you may still search for Active, Inactive or Deceased Members in the search field to your right.

For gender statistics click here.

Total number of IAU Individual and Junior members: 13112 (of which 1335 are Junior members). Number of Active Individual and Junior Members in the IAU Directory: 12749.


A | B | C | D | E | F | G | H | I | J | K | L | M | N | O | P | Q | R | S | T | U | V | W | X | Y | Z

Name▼ Location NCA adherence
Skowron, Dorota M Poland Poland
Skowron, Jan Poland Poland
Skripnichenko, Vladimir I. Russian Federation Russian Federation
Skulskyj, Mychajlo Y. Ukraine Ukraine
Skumanich, Andrew United States United States
Slade, Martin A. United States United States
Slagmolen, Bram J. J. Australia Australia
Slane, Patrick United States United States
Slaný, Petr Czech Republic Czech Republic
Slater, Stephanie Jean United States United States
Slater, Timothy F. United States United States
Slavcheva-Mihova, Lyuba Stoyanova Bulgaria Bulgaria
Slavin, Jonathan David United States United States
Sleath, John United Kingdom United Kingdom
Šlechta, Miroslav Czech Republic Czech Republic
Slezak, Eric France France
Sloan, Gregory Clayton United States United States
Sloth, Martin S Denmark Denmark
Slumstrup, Ditte (Junior Member) Spain Germany
Sluse, Dominique Belgium Belgium
Slyusarev, Ivan G. Ukraine Ukraine
Smail, Ian United Kingdom United Kingdom
Smak, Józef I. Poland Poland
Smale, Alan Peter United States United States
Smalley, Barry United Kingdom United Kingdom
Smart, Brianna Marie (Junior Member) United States United Kingdom
Smart, Richard Laurence Italy Italy
Smartt, Stephen J United Kingdom United Kingdom
Smecker-Hane, Tammy A. United States United States
Smelds, Ivar Latvia Latvia
Smerechynskyi, Sviatoslav Ukraine Ukraine
Smette, Alain Jacques Chile Belgium
Smida, Radomír Germany Germany
Smirnov, Anton (Junior Member) Russian Federation Russian Federation
Smirnov, Grigorij T. Russian Federation Russian Federation
Smirnova, Aleksandrina Andreevna Russian Federation Russian Federation
Smirnova, Olesja Spain Latvia
Smirnova, Tatiana Vasil'evna Russian Federation Russian Federation
Smith, Alexis M. S. Germany Germany
Smith, Brent M (Junior Member) United States United States
Smith, Craig H. Australia Australia
Smith, Daniel J. B. United Kingdom United Kingdom
Smith, Dean F. United States United States
Smith, Denise A United States United States
Smith, Eric Philip United States United States
Smith, Francis Graham United Kingdom United Kingdom
Smith, Graeme H. United States United States
Smith, Graham P United Kingdom United Kingdom
Smith, Haywood C. United States United States
Smith, Horace A. United States United States
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Showing 751 to 800 of 1293

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