Individual and Junior Members

Professional scientists whose research is directly relevant to some branch of astronomy are eligible to apply as Individual Members. Individual Members are, normally, admitted by the Executive Committee on the proposal of a National Member.

Junior scientists who have completed their PhD studies between 2015 and 2020 and who are in the initial phase of the career of a professional researcher in some branch of astronomy or a related field may be admitted to the Union by the Executive Committee as Junior Members, for a period not exceeding 6 years.

Individual and Junior Members listed in the IAU Directory have a valid, public email, and are affiliated to at least one Division. They are labeled as "Active Members". For corrections and updates, please contact Any members remaining Inactive for more than 3 years will be removed from the IAU lists.

Additionally, while only Active Members are listed in the IAU Directory, you may still search for Active, Inactive or Deceased Members in the search field to your right.

For gender statistics click here.

Total number of IAU Individual and Junior members: 13115 (of which 1335 are Junior members). Number of Active Individual and Junior Members in the IAU Directory: 12752.


A | B | C | D | E | F | G | H | I | J | K | L | M | N | O | P | Q | R | S | T | U | V | W | X | Y | Z

Name▼ Location NCA adherence
Stiavelli, Massimo United States United States
Stiele, Holger Germany Germany
Stier, Mark T. United States United States
Stierwalt, Sabrina United States United States
Stift, Martin Johannes United Kingdom Austria
Stil, Jeroen Maarten Canada Canada
Still, Martin D. United States United States
Stinebring, Daniel R. United States United States
Stirpe, Giovanna M. Italy Italy
St-Louis, Nicole Canada Canada
Stocke, John T. United States United States
Stockman Jr, Hervey S. United States United States
Stockton, Alan N. United States United States
Stoehr, Felix Germany Germany
Stoev, Alexey D. Bulgaria Bulgaria
Stojanović, Milan Serbia, Republic of Serbia, Republic of
Stokes, Grant H. United States United States
Stolarczyk, Thierry France France
Stolker, Tomas (Junior Member) Netherlands Netherlands
Stollberg, Mark Thomas United States United States
Stolyarov, Vladislav A. United Kingdom United Kingdom
Stone, James McLellan United States United States
Stone, Nicholas C Israel Israel
Stone, Remington P.S. United States United States
Stonkutė, Edita Lithuania Lithuania
Stonkutė, Rima Lithuania Lithuania
Storchi-Bergmann, Thaisa Brazil Brazil
Storey, John W.V. Australia Australia
Storey, Michelle C. Australia Australia
Storm, Jesper Germany Germany
Storrie-Lombardi, Lisa United States United States
Storrs, Alexander D. United States United States
Stott, John Philip United Kingdom United Kingdom
Stoyanov, Kiril Atanasov Bulgaria Bulgaria
Straatman, Caroline M. S. (Junior Member) Belgium Belgium
Strachan, Leonard United States United States
Strafella, Francesco Italy Italy
Strassmeier, Klaus G. Germany Germany
Stratta, Giulia Italy Italy
Straumann, Norbert Switzerland Switzerland
Straus, Thomas Italy Italy
Strauss, Michael A. United States United States
Strazzulla, Giovanni Italy Italy
Street, Rachel Amanda United States United States
Strelnitski, Vladimir United States United States
Strigachev, Anton Atanasov Bulgaria Bulgaria
Stringfellow, Guy S. United States United States
Strittmatter, Peter A. United States United States
Stritzinger, Maximilian D. Denmark Denmark
Strobel, Andrzej Poland Poland
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