IAU Symposia

IAUS 288: Astrophysics from Antarctica

Start date/time

August 20, 2012

End date/time

August 24, 2012


China, Nanjing


Michael Burton

Coordinating Division

Division IX Optical & Infrared Techniques

SOC Co-Chairs: Michael Burton (Australia), Xiangqun Cui (China Nanjing)

SOC Members: Leo Bronfman (Chile), Nicolas Epchtein (France), Peter Gorham (United States), Takashi Ichikawa (Japan), Doug Johnstone (Canada), John Kovac (United States), Silvia Masi (Italy), Young Minh (Korea, Rep of), Klaus Strassmeier (Germany), Ji Yang (China Nanjing), Zhaohui Shang (China Nanjing)

Editors of Proceedings: Michael Burton (Australia), Xiangqun Cui (China Nanjing), Nick Tothill (Australia)


  • Astrophysics from Antarctica (Plenary overview)
  • Understanding the Antarctic Environment: the advantages & disadvantages
  • Cosmic Microwave Background Radiation
  • Neutrinos
  • High Energy Astrophysics
  • Sub-millimeter and Terahertz Astronomy
  • Optical and Infrared Astronomy
  • Antarctic Stations and their Observatories
  • The Arctic Analogue
  • Facilities for the Future


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