Individual Members

Professional scientists whose research is directly relevant to some branch of astronomy are eligible to apply as Individual Members. Individual Members are, normally, admitted by the Executive Committee on the proposal of a National Member.

Individual Members listed in the IAU Directory have a valid, public email, and are affiliated to at least one Division. They are labeled as "Active Members". For corrections and updates, please contact Any members remaining Inactive for more than 3 years will be removed from the IAU lists.

For combined Individual and Junior Members click here

For the Working Rules pertaining to Individual membership click here.

Additionally, while only Active Members are listed in the IAU Directory, you may still search for Active, Inactive or Deceased Members in the search field to your right.

For gender statistics click here.

Total number of IAU Individual members: 11506.  Number of Active Individual Members in the IAU Directory: 11164.


A | B | C | D | E | F | G | H | I | J | K | L | M | N | O | P | Q | R | S | T | U | V | W | X | Y | Z

Name▼ Location NCA adherence
Moore, Ronald L. United States United States
Moore-Weiss, John Wilfred United States United States
Moorhead, Althea V United States United States
Moorhead, James M. Canada Canada
Moos, Henry Warren United States United States
Mora, Alcione Spain Spain
Morabito, David Dominic United States United States
Moraitis, Konstantinos Greece Greece
Morales Rueda, Luisa Netherlands Netherlands
Moran, Christine United States United States
Moran, James M. United States United States
Moravec, Zdeněk Czech Republic Czech Republic
Morbidelli, Alessandro France France
Morbidelli, Roberto Italy Italy
Morcos, Abd El Fady B. Egypt Egypt
Mordasini, Christoph Switzerland Switzerland
More, Surhud India India
Moreau, Olivier France France
Moreira Morais, Maria Helena Brazil Brazil
Morel, Pierre-Jacques France France
Morel, Thierry Belgium Belgium
Moreno, Edmundo Mexico Mexico
Moreno-Corral, Marco A. Mexico Mexico
Moreno-Insertis, Fernando Spain Spain
Moreno Lupiañez, Manuel Spain Spain
Moreno Méndez, Enrique Mexico Mexico
moretti, alberto Italy Italy
Morgan, Larry United States United States
Morgan, Peter Australia Australia
Morgan, Thomas H. United States United States
Morganti, Raffaella Netherlands Netherlands
MORI, Koji Japan Japan
MORI, Masaki Japan Japan
MORI, Masao Japan Japan
Moriarty, Patrick Ireland Ireland
Morin, Julien France France
Morino, Jun-Ichi Japan Japan
Morison, Ian United Kingdom United Kingdom
Morisset, Christophe Mexico Mexico
MORITA, Satoshi Japan Japan
MORITANI, Yuki United States Japan
Moriya, Takashi Japan Japan
MORIYAMA, Fumio Japan Japan
MOROKUMA, Tomoki Japan Japan
Moro Martín, Amaya United States United States
Morras, Ricardo Argentina Argentina
Morrell, Nidia Chile Chile
Morris, David United Kingdom United Kingdom
Morris, Mark Root United States United States
Morris, Patrick William United States United States
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