PhD Prize submission form

In this first step you can enter all the information regarding your submissions.

You will then receive an email with a unique link that you can share with an official person from your university as well as the persons you gave as references. At this URL the university representative should upload a letter stating that the candidate has completed the requirements of the PhD and the date of completion. Likewise the reference persons will be able to upload their reference letters.

Reference letters are permitted after the application deadline but should be sent as soon as possible.

Fields marked with * are mandatory

Personal information

Format: DD/MM/YYYY

Name of your PhD advisor(s), one per line

IAU Division for the award


1500 word summary of the thesis with a maximum of 2 extra pages for figures and references used in the 1500 word summary. (PDF Format)

(PDF Format)

Complete bibliography of publications, refereed or otherwise, of the candidate (PDF Format)

One page CV (PDF Format)

200 word abstract suitable for public announcement of the award (PDF Format)
