Women in Astronomy

Monday 27 August 2012


The IAU XXVIII GA Women in Astronomy Meeting lunch, generously sponsored by the IAU, the US National Academy of Sciences and the US National Science Foundation , will be held on Monday 27 August 2012. The WAM will run from 12:30 to 14:00. The meeting will be held in Plenary Hall B on level 4 of the China National Convention Center (CNCC).


The keynote speech will be delivered by Prof Xiangqun Cui, President of the Chinese Astronomical Society and former Director of the Nanjing Institute of Astronomical Optics and Technology, who will give a summary of the current situation for women in astronomy in China. This will be followed by break out groups to discuss a range of issues over lunch, focusing on strategies that will improve the environment for all astronomers.

Registration for WAM luncheon

There is no registration fee for WAM, but we do need an indication of numbers for catering purposes. There is a limit to the number of attendees, so please be sure to register avoid disappointment!

WAM Organising Committee

Sarah Maddison (Swinburne) & Francesca Primas (ESO)
Yanchun Liang (NAO, China)
Conny Aerts (Katholieke University Leuven)
Geoffery Clayton (Louisiana State University)
Françoise Combes (Observatoire de Paris)
Gloria Dubner (University of Buenos Aires)
Luigina Feretti (INAF)
Anne Green (U. Sydney)
Elizabeth Griffin (Dominion Astrophysical Observatory)
Yuko Motizuki (Saitama University)
Birgitta Nordström (Copenhagen University

Meet-a-mentor evening session

The women in astronomy lunch will be a followed by an evening meet-a-mentor session on Monday 27 August in the building of the National Astronomical Observatories. The mentoring session will run from 18:30 until 20:00. The focus of the meet-a-mentor session is to discuss career issues which female scientists find important. This will be done in small groups, where a number of mentees receive comments and guidance on specific input from more senior mentors. Tea, coffee and biscuits will be provided thanks to the generous support of NAOC. Numbers are limited and registration is mandatory.


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