Division Meeting at the XXXI General Assembly:
Busan, Korea, 5 and 8 August 2022
Booklet is available there
Recorded sessions are available on the virtual platform (for registered participants, Session VOD 5&8 Aug. room #103)
Scientific rationale:
The purpose of this meeting is to provide a summary of the most recent and relevant results for a broad range of topics of our Division. A special focus will be on: a) how galaxy and interstellar medium properties regulates the physics of star formation in the Local Universe b) the properties of stellar populations in stellar clusters and local dwarf galaxies. The key role of the latest generation of instruments and telescopes to better understanding our Milky Way and the closest galaxies will also be highly underlined. Researchers can present their new findings through this two days workshop in the form of an oral or poster presentation.
Topics for Day 1:
- From simple molecules to the most complex compounds of the ISM
- Linking the smallest to the large scale: star formation in the MW and nearby galaxies
- Dust in the ISM and its role in the formation of planetary systems
- Dynamics of galaxies and their satellites in the Local Group
- Feedback, streams and the circumgalactic medium of local galaxies
Topics for Day 2:
- The latest view of our Milky Way and its center
- Stellar population and their dynamics in Open and Globular Clusters
- Stellar fossils in the Milky Way and in nearby dwarfs
- Imprints of evolved stars in the ISM: PNe and AGBs
We will have special times dedicated to:
- PhD thesis presentation
- Key points of other meetings in the GA which are of interest for our Division
- Results of recent satellites and ground telescopes such as GAIA, MeerKAT, ALMA...