Division Meeting at the XXXI General Assembly:

Busan, Korea, 5 and 8 August 2022



Booklet is available there

Recorded sessions are available on the virtual platform (for registered participants, Session VOD 5&8 Aug. room #103)

Times in
KST local time = UTC+9h

Friday 5 | 10:30–12:00 + 13:30–16:45

room: #103 BEXCO Convention Hall 1st floor (ground floor)
remote: via the virtual meeting platform /virtual.iauga2022.org (see announcement on slack)

09:45–10:30  Morning ePosters and pre-recorded contributions

10:30–12:00   DivA-1

10:30 Division.A Days - Plenary introduction (Daniel Hestroffer)

Session 1 — PhD prizes talks (chair Daniel Hestroffer +Ryan Park)

10:40 Joseph O'Leary (2019) - A new general relativistic planetary orbitography platform [in room] [pdf]

11:00 Etienne Savalle (2020) - Searching for scalar field dark matter with the DAMNED experiment [remote] [pdf]

11:20 Chris Hamilton (2021) - Secular Dynamics of Binaries in Stellar Clusters [in room] [pdf]

11:40 Lei Zhang (2020) (Honorary mention from the Division) - Pulsar Observation and Study with FAST and Parkes Radio Telescope [remote] [pdf]

12:00 Lunch


13:30–15:00    DivA-2

Session 2 - Gaia eDR3 and DR3 (chair Anthony Brown + DH)

13:30 Steve Durst – Astronomy from the Moon Surface and ILOA Hawaii [in room] [pptx]

13:50 Anthony Brown – Mission status and DR3 overview [remote] [pdf]

14:20 David Hobbs GaiaNIR [in room] [pdf]

14:40 François Mignard – Gaia Celestial Reference Frame Gaia-CRF3 [remote] [pdf]


15:00 Coffee break


15:15–16:45    DivA-3

Session 3a - News from Commissions and WGs (chair Ryan Park +DH)

Introduction of new working groups (2021-2024)

15:15 Patrick Charlot The new Division A Working Group on Multi-waveband ICRF [remote] [pdf]

15:25 José Manuel Ferrándiz – Report of the IAU/IAG Joint Working Group on Improving Theories and Models of the Earth’s Rotation to the IAU General Assembly (2022) [in room] [pdf]

Scientific reports from the Division’s Commission and Working groups

15:35 Christopher Jacobs – Commission A1 Astrometry scientific report [remote] [pdf]  TBC

15:45 Zinovy Malkin, Alberto Escapa Commission A2 Rotation of the Earth: Current activities and outlook [in room] [pdf]

15:55 Susan Stewart – Commission A3 Fundamental Standards Update [in room] [pptx]

16:05 Steve Bell Division A  WG The Standards of Fundamental Astronomy (SOFA) WG [in room] [pdf]

16:15 Felicitas Arias – Division A Working Group on Time Metrology Standards (TMS) [remote] [pdf]

16:25 Fabrizio Bernardi X2 Cross-Division A-F Commission Solar System Ephemerides [remote] [pdf]

16:35 Brent Archinal Division A WG on Cartographic Coordinates & Rotational Elements (CCRE) [remote] [pdf]

16:45–17:30 Afternoon ePosters and pre-recorded contributions

« E-talks/e-posters will be available to watch at the web-based galleries all the time. »


Times in
KST local time = UTC+9h


Monday 8 | 10:30–12:00 + 13:30–15:00

room: #103 BEXCO Convention Hall 1st floor (ground floor)
remote: via the virtual meeting platform /virtual.iauga2022.org (see announcement on slack)

09:45–10:30 Morning ePosters and pre-recorded contributions

10:30–12:00   DivA-4

Session 4 - Reference Frames and Rotations (chair Alberto Escapa + DH)

10:30 José Manuel Ferrándiz – Advances and prospects in the accurate modelling of precession-nutation from VLBI solutions [in room] [pdf]

11:00 Richard Gross – Sequentially Estimating and Updating Terrestrial Reference Frames [in room] [pdf]

11:20 Jolanta Nastula – Preliminary study on the consistency among hydrological angular momentum estimates determined from CMIP6 historical simulations [in room] [pptx]

11:40 Alberto Escapa – Effects of the mass redistribution on the rotation of the Earth [in room] [pdf]

12:00 Lunch


13:30–15:00   DivA-5

Session 5 - Highlights of Focus Meetings (chair Daniel Hestroffer +NZ)

13:30 Masateru Ishiguro – Highlights of IAU Focus Meeting FM8 "Planetary astronomy via telescopic and microscopic approaches" [remote] [pdf]

13:50 Anatoliy Ivantsov – Highlights of IAU Focus Meeting FM10 "Synergy of Small Telescopes and Large Surveys for Solar System and Exoplanetary Bodies Research"  [in room] [pdf]

14:10 Anthony Brown Introduction of IAU Focus Meeting FM7 "Astrometry for 21st Century Astronomy" [remote] [pdf]

14:20 10 minute Break

Session 3b - News from Commissions and WGs (chair DH+NZ)

Scientific reports from the Division’s Commission and Working groups

14:30 Anatoliy Ivantsov, Marchelo Assafin, William Thuillot – Division A Working Group on Astrometry by Small Ground-Based Telescopes (ASGBT)  [in room] [pdf]

14:40 Patrick Michel – Interdivision NEO Working Group : some new knowledge regarding NEOs, current projects and perspectives. [remote] [pdf]

14:50 Christos Efthymiopoulos, Giovanni Gronchi – Commission A4 Celestial Mechanics and Dynamical Astronomy [remote]  [pdf]


15:00 End of Division Days



Note: zoom link reserved to remote speakers has been sent individually