Affiliations with Commission B5 Laboratory Astrophysics

Smith, Randall
Shalabiea, Osama
Organizing Committee
Barklem, Paul Gerakines, Perry Hahn, Michael
Kupka, Friedrich Shalabiea, Osama Smith, Randall
Tan, Peng Kian
Barklem, Paul
Commission Members
Abdullah, Ahmed Adelman, Saul Aggarwal, Kanti
Amarsi, Anish Barklem, Paul Bazzano, Angela
Beiersdorfer, Peter Bhardwaj, Anil Bisnovatyi-Kogan, Gennadij
Black, John Bodewits, Dennis Boechat-Roberty, Heloisa
Bommier, Veronique Browning, Philippa Brucato, John
Bustos, Ricardo Cami, Jan Cernicharo, Jose
Chamel, Nicolas Chatain, Audrey (Junior Member) CHEN, Xinyang
Christlieb, Norbert Colangeli, Luigi Concepcion, Florence (Junior Member)
Cox, Nick Cunha, Katia Depagne, Éric
Dere, Kenneth Dimitrijevic, Milan Doro, Michele
Dubernet, Marie-Lise Dulieu, Francois Evans, Aneurin
Fabiani, Sergio Feautrier, Nicole Federman, Steven
Fernini, Ilias Fillion, Jean-Hugues Flower, David
Fraser, Helen Fulvio, Daniele Gai, Moshe
Geppert, Wolf Gerakines, Perry Gerin, Maryvonne
Gratier, Pierre Grevesse, Nicolas Grumer, Jon (Junior Member)
Grundy, William Hahn, Michael Hartman, Henrik
Heiter, Ulrike Henning, Thomas Hillier, John
Ho, Wynn HOSHINO, Masahiro Hubeny, Ivan
Huber, Martin Ioppolo, Sergio Jenniskens, Peter
Joblin, Christine Jørgensen, Uffe Kaastra, Jelle
Kamp, Inga Kanuchova, Zuzana KAWAGUCHI, Kentarou
Kennedy, Eugene Kerber, Florian Khalack, Viktor
Kirk, John KOZASA, Takashi Kramida, Alexander
Kupka, Friedrich Laha, Sibasish Lapinov, Alexander
Le Petit, Franck Leutenegger, Maurice LIANG, Guiyun
Lis, Dariusz LIU, Xiaowei Lovas, Francis
Lyon, Ian Mangum, Jeffrey Mashonkina, Lyudmila
Mason, Helen McCall, Benjamin McCammon, Dan
McNamara, Paul Mennella, Vito Micelotta, Elisabetta
Milam, Stefanie Millar, Thomas MIZUNO, Yosuke
Morton, Donald Murphy, Nicholas Murthy, Jayant
Nahar, Sultana Nave, Gillian Naylor, David
Nelson, Robert Nuth, Joseph Oberg, Karin
Omont, Alain ONAKA , Takashi OZEKI , Hiroyuki
Palmeri, Patrick Palumbo, Maria Elisabetta Peach, Gillian
Peeters, Els Perez de los Heros, Carlos Pickering, Juliet
Pilling, Sergio Pirronello, Valerio Pizzone, Rosario
Pokrzywka, Bartłomiej Pound, Marc Przybilla, Norbert
Ralchenko, Yuri Rastogi, Shantanu Raymond, John
Roueff, Evelyne Ryabchikova, Tatiana RYU, Dongsu
Sahal-Brechot, Sylvie SAKAI, Nami Salama, Farid
Savin, Daniel Shalabiea, Osama SHI, Jianrong
Shingledecker, Christopher Simonia, Irakli Smida, Radomír
Smith, Randall Smith, Isaac Sneden, Chris
Sonneborn, George Sonnentrucker, Paule Stanga, Ruggero
Stark, Glenn Strazzulla, Giovanni SUGIMOTO, Daiichiro
Sutherland, Ralph Szopa, Cyril Talbi, Dahbia
Tan, Peng Kian Tennyson, Jonathan Trigo-Rodriguez, Josep
Van de Sande, Marie van Dishoeck, Ewine Vidali, Gianfranco
Vuitton, Veronique Wahlgren, Glenn WANG, Feilu
Werner, Klaus Wiebe, Dmitri Williams, Robin
Wilms, Jörn Wollack, Edward XIAO, Dong
ZENG, Qin ZHAO, Gang Zwölf, Carlo Maria


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