Executive Committee WG Small Bodies Nomenclature (SBN) — Functional


Responsibility for naming and designation of small bodies (except of satellites of major planets) in the solar system. It covers naming of minor planets including Near Earth Objects and Transneptunian Objects, comets, dwarf planets (just these bodies together with the WGPSN) and satellites of minor planets.




Functional Working Groups are Working Groups whose scope and purpose are institutional and naturally extend beyond the IAU three-year cycle.

These should have a maximum automatic lifespan of 6 years. Their Functional status should be revisited at that 6-year mark by the EC and a decision should be taken on whether the Functional WG should be renewed or terminated. The Functional WG Chair would also follow the 6-year term and the renewal of the Chair would also be discussed at this time.

Executive Committee Working Groups undertake essential functions on behalf of the IAU as a whole. It is at the discretion of the EC how long the ECWG continues. Every three years there should be an evaluation of the current Chair as well as the continuation of the WG. A second term could be considered but no longer (6 years max).

Renewed for the Triennium 2024-2027.

EC Liaisons (2024-2027): Willy Benz, Diana Worrall

Working Group Web Page

Working Group Members (15)


Executive Committee

Jana Tichá

Klet Observatory
Zatkovo Nabrezi 4
370 01 Ceske Budejovice
Czech Republic

Phone: +420 380 711 242
Fax: +420 386 352 239
Organization website: http://www.klet.org/

NCA adherence: Czech Republic

Last updated:
November 20, 2023

Gareth V. Williams

North Adams
Massachusetts (MA)
United States

Phone: +1 413 333 1242

NCA adherence: United States

Last updated:
November 20, 2023

Keith S. Noll

Goddard Space Flight Center
Planetary Systems Laboratory
8800 Greenbelt Road
MS B34-S154A
Greenbelt MD 20771
Maryland (MD)
United States

Phone: +1 301 542 5399
Organization website: http://science.gsfc.nasa.gov/sed/index.cfm?fuseAction=home.main&&navOrgCode=693

NCA adherence: United States

Last updated:
November 20, 2023

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