Letters of Intent received in 2018

LoI 2020-2029
Clusters, AGN outflows and feedback: From X-ray to Radio

Date: 16 March 2020 to 20 March 2020
Category: Non-GA Symposium
Location: Pune, India
Contact: Dharam Lal (dharam@ncra.tifr.res.in)
Coordinating division: Division J Galaxies and Cosmology
Other divisions: Division H Interstellar Matter and Local Universe
Co-Chairs of SOC: Christine Jones-Forman (Smithsonian Astrophysical Observatory)
Tiziana Venturi (Istituto di Radioastronomia)
Chair of LOC: Dharam Lal (National Centre for Radio Astrophysics NCRA-TIFR)



(1) Formation and growth of black holes masses, mergers, spin, luminosity functions and scaling relations
(2) Feedback theory: simulations, jet formation, accretion modes and energy transfer plasma microphysics
(3) Feedback observations: jets, cavities--age and energy of outburst, turbulence, shocks, radio (mini-)halos, sloshing, evolution
(4) Cold molecular gas, filaments, accretion process, clouds in cluster of galaxies
(5) Event horizon telescope and gravitational waves: imaging the event horizon, present, future gravitational waves, black hole mergers and its growth
(6) Magnetic fields and jets: jets on all scales from the event horizon to the largest scales, including large scale magnetic fields simulations
(7) What have we learnt from interaction of radio sources with their hot gas environments studies and what can we expect from future radio and X-ray instruments?



The last few decades have seen dramatic increases in both observing and computational power, with several new path-breaking telescopes including the Chandra, XMM-Newton, Fermi, NuSTAR, Astrosat, Jansky VLA, upgraded GMRT, Lofar, eMERLIN, Event Horizon Telescope, and several more like the Square Kilometre Array, Athena, JWST on the horizon. The complex inner structure, the important role played by active galactic nuclei, feedback as the main outstanding problem in galaxy formation, theory of accretion and particle acceleration, the measure of dark and luminous matter distribution in clusters, etc., has come to light with these observatories.

We will gather multi-wavelength observers and theoreticians, experts from the event horizon scale out to the clusters of galaxies scale, encouraging interactions and discussion in the beautiful, historic "Queen of the Deccan" Pune city.

Several presentations, including two public lectures during the week would be made in Universities, City hall, etc. A few participants have expressed willingness to make such presentations, including W.R. Forman, C. Jones-Forman, T. Venturi, the organisers of the Symposium.