Letters of Intent received in 2015

Non-GA Symposia

LoI 2017-293

Title Magnetic Fields, Planetary Climates and Habitability
Location Greenbelt, MD
Country United States
Dates 11 September 2017 to 15 September 2017
Contact Vladimir Airapetian (vladimir.airapetian@nasa.gov)

LoI 2017-264

Title THE ROAD TO THE STARS: INSAP Xth - Oxford XI - SEAC 25th Conference on Cultural Astronomy
Location Santiago de Compostela
Country Spain
Dates 18 September 2017 to 23 September 2017
Contact Juan Antonio Belmonte (jba@iac.es)

LoI 2017-294

Title The link between dense gas and star formation
Location Bordeaux
Country France
Dates 3 July 2017 to 7 July 2017
Contact Jonathan Braine (braine@obs.u-bordeaux1.fr)

LoI 2017-269

Title Surveys at ultraviolet wavelengths: the needs and the means
Location Tel Aviv University
Country Israel
Dates 27 March 2017 to 31 March 2017
Contact Noah Brosch (noah@wise.tau.ac.il)

LoI 2017-272

Title The High-Energy Universe: Today and Tomorrow
Location Bologna
Country Italy
Dates 14 November 2017 to 17 November 2017
Contact Patrizia Caraveo (patrizia.caraveo@gmail.com)

LoI 2017-273

Title 150 Years of Emission Line Stars
Location Armação dos Búzios
Country Brazil
Dates 6 March 2017 to 10 March 2017
Contact Alex Carciofi (carciofi@usp.br)

LoI 2017-297

Title From young circumstellar disks to planetary systems
Location Easter Island (Rapa Nui)
Country Chile
Dates 15 June 2017 to 31 August 2017
Contact Simon Casassus (scasassus@u.uchile.cl)

LoI 2017-279

Title Rediscovering our Galaxy
Location Telegrafenberg - Potsdam
Country Germany
Dates 10 July 2017 to 14 July 2017
Contact Cristina Chiappini (cristina.chiappini@aip.de)

LoI 2017-285

Title The Role of Gas in Galaxy Dynamics
Location Qawra
Country Malta
Dates 2 October 2017 to 6 October 2017
Contact Victor Debattista (vpdebattista@uclan.ac.uk)

LoI 2017-281

Title Quasars at all cosmic epochs
Location Padova or Venezia
Country Italy
Dates 2 April 2017 to 7 April 2017
Contact Mauro D'Onofrio (mauro.donofrio@unipd.it)

LoI 2017-302

Title Dark matter, Dark energy, New cosmology and all that.
Country India
Dates 12 September 2017 to 16 September 2017
Contact Hira Lal Duorah (hl_duorah@yahoo.com)

LoI 2017-287

Title Galaxy Evolution and Feedback Across Cosmic Time
Location Porto Alegre vicinity (e.g., Bento Gonçalves)
Country Brazil
Dates 19 March 2017 to 25 March 2017
Contact William Forman (wforman@cfa.harvard.edu)

LoI 2017-275

Title Space Weather of the Heliosphere: Processes and Forecast
Location University of Exeter
Country United Kingdom
Dates 17 July 2017 to 21 July 2017
Contact Claire Foullon (c.foullon@exeter.ac.uk)

LoI 2017-286

Title The hydride toolbox
Location Paris
Country France
Dates 24 April 2017 to 29 April 2017
Contact Maryvonne GERIN (maryvonne.gerin@ens.fr)

LoI 2017-289

Title Constraining galaxy formation and evolution using massive star clusters
Location Nijmegen
Country United Kingdom
Dates 21 August 2017 to 25 August 2017
Contact Mark Gieles (m.gieles@surrey.ac.uk)

LoI 2017-291

Title Locating Astrophysical Transients 2017
Location Noto (TBC)
Country Italy
Dates 6 June 2017 to 9 June 2017
Contact Marcello Giroletti (giroletti@ira.inaf.it)

LoI 2017-276

Title Gravitational Astrophysics: Early Results from search for Gravitational Wave and electromagnetic counterparts
Location Baton Rouge, LA
Country United States
Dates 9 October 2017 to 11 October 2017
Contact Gabriela Gonzalez (gonzalez@lsu.edu)

LoI 2017-266

Title Southern Horizons in Time-Domain Astronomy
Location Cape Town
Country South Africa
Dates 13 November 2017 to 17 November 2017
Contact R. Elizabeth Griffin (Elizabeth.Griffin@nrc-cnrc.gc.ca)

LoI 2017-274

Title Magnetars and Beyond: The Quest for a Unified Neutron Star Scenario
Location Venice
Country Italy
Dates 11 September 2017 to 15 September 2017
Contact GianLuca Israel (gianluca@mporzio.astro.it)

LoI 2017-280

Title Peering towards Cosmic Dawn
Location Dubrovnik
Country Croatia, the Republic of
Dates 4 September 2017 to 8 September 2017
Contact Vibor Jelic (vibor@irb.hr)

LoI 2017-296

Title Modeling and observation of stars and star-planet interactions
Location NASA Ames Research Center
Country United States
Dates 17 July 2017 to 21 July 2017
Contact Irina Kitiashvili (irina.n.kitiashvili@nasa.gov)

LoI 2017-283

Title Stars with a stable magnetic field: from pre-main sequence to compact remnants
Location Brno
Country Czech Republic
Dates 28 August 2017 to 1 September 2017
Contact Jiri Krticka (krticka@physics.muni.cz)

LoI 2017-263

Title Cosmic Rays and the interstellar medium
Location Montpellier
Country France
Dates 22 August 2017 to 26 August 2017
Contact Alexandre Marcowith (Alexandre.Marcowith@umontpellier.fr)

LoI 2017-268

Title Astrochemistry VII – Through the Cosmos from Galaxies to Planets
Location TBD
Country Chile
Dates 16 January 2017 to 20 January 2017
Contact Tom Millar (tom.millar@qub.ac.uk)

LoI 2017-278

Title Computational Discovery in Astrophysics
Location Cargese, Corsica
Country France
Dates 29 May 2017 to 4 June 2017
Contact Simon Portegies Zwart (spz@strw.leidenuniv.nl)

LoI 2017-282

Title SN 1987A 30 years after - Cosmic Rays and Nuclei from Supernovae and their aftermaths
Location La Reunion island
Country France
Dates 20 February 2017 to 24 February 2017
Contact Matthieu Renaud (mrenaud@lupm.univ-montp2.fr)

LoI 2017-284

Title Panchromatic Science with Pathfinders
Location WA near Perth
Country Australia
Dates 6 March 2017 to 6 March 2017
Contact Aaron Robotham (aaron.robotham@uwa.edu.au)

LoI 2017-299

Title SuperMassive Black Holes and star formation in the Universe
Location Paris
Country France
Dates 12 June 2017 to 16 June 2017
Contact Brigitte Rocca-Volmerange (rocca@iap.fr)

LoI 2017-300

Title Galaxy evolution in different environments
Location Paris
Country France
Dates 1 June 2017 to 30 June 2017
Contact Mei Simona (simona.mei@obspm.fr)

LoI 2017-277

Title The World of Spectroscopy in the Era of Large Surveys and ELTs
Location Tucson, Arizona
Country United States
Dates 13 November 2017 to 17 November 2017
Contact Verne Smith (vsmith@noao.edu)

LoI 2017-301

Title New horizons for solar and stellar magnetism from the next generation instruments
Location La Laguna, Tenerife
Country Spain
Dates 10 July 2017 to 14 July 2017
Contact Hector Socas Navarro (hsocas@iac.es)

LoI 2017-271

Title Advances in stellar ages
Location Elba
Country Italy
Dates 18 September 2017 to 22 September 2017
Contact David Soderblom (drs@stsci.edu)

LoI 2017-267

Title Pulsar Astrophysics - The next 50 years
Location Jodrell Bank Observatory
Country United Kingdom
Dates 4 September 2017 to 8 September 2017
Contact Benjamin Stappers (ben.stappers@manchester.ac.uk)

LoI 2017-270

Title Astrophysical Masers: Unlocking the Mysteries of the Universe
Location Cagliari (Sardinia)
Country Italy
Dates 4 September 2017 to 8 September 2017
Contact Andrea Tarchi (atarchi@oa-cagliari.inaf.it)

LoI 2017-292

Title Accreting binaries from Cosmic Dawn to the Present
Location Crete
Country Greece
Dates 25 September 2017 to 29 September 2017
Contact Andreas Zezas (azezas@physics.uoc.gr)

LoI 2017-265

Title Atmospheres and Interiors of Jupiter/Saturn and Jupiter-like Exoplanets
Location Macau
Country AA-Country unknown
Dates 25 October 2017 to 29 October 2017
Contact Keke Zhang (kzhang@ex.ac.uk)


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