IAU Symposia

IAUS 358: Astronomy for Equity, Diversity and Inclusion — a roadmap to action within the framework of the IAU 100th Anniversary

Start date/time

November 12, 2019

End date/time

November 15, 2019




Lina Canas

Event website


Coordinating Division

Division C Education, Outreach and Heritage

Important Dates:
Open Registration + Abstract Submission: November, 2018
Open IAU Grants Application: January 15, 2019
End IAU Grants Application: July 15, 2019
Abstract Deadline Submission: July 15, 2019
Visa Application Support Opens: July 15, 2019
Grants are awarded: September 15, 2019
Visa Application Support Closes: September 1, 2019
Final Program Published: October 15, 2019
Proceedings deadline: January 10, 2020

Key Topics Addressed:
1) Learning from Best Practices in Disabilities and Establishing a Framework to Address Equity and Equality in Astronomy Organizations, Facilities and Academic Institutions
Many institutions are required to implement practices that ensure to eliminate discrimination and to meet expectations of equality in the workplace and how to make it sustainable. In this topic, we discuss best practices and reveal the latest Research and Application data, moving beyond the awareness framework into new approaches to changing the mindsets and diminishing the anxieties — sustainable inclusion and diversity policies (e.g. immersion in the work field, productivity models, access to power among others, etc.)

2) Identify and Address Barriers to Access: fostering a climate of inclusivity
Barriers (e.g. information and communication; attitudinal; technological; policy or practice) can prevent a person with a disability from fully participating in their work and work environment and reach their true potential. The Research and Application work here presented will focus on equal participation by addressing access: Web Accessibility, Astrophysics Data Systems, Data Accessibility for Astronomers and Citizen Scientists with disabilities and the concrete measures for a change towards equality, equity and diversity within academia.

3) New Technologies for Accessibility: diversity and disability;
Research and Application session dedicated to how new technologies can help address and transform the work environment for astronomers individual needs (bringing everyone together under the umbrella of accessibility – we all have special needs).

4) Astronomy for society — Inclusion, Diversity, Equity, and Empathy in Communicating Astronomy
This topic intends to reveal best practices within EPO groups, and departments while engaging with diverse groups underrepresented for their age, ethnicity, gender, culture, ability or disability, religion, race, sexuality or intersectionality of these factors.

5) Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs): gender equality and empowerment
Through the lens of Astronomy for Development, here we will address different connections related to the 17 Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs), not only focus on gender equality and women’s empowerment (SDG5) but explore the full impact gender can have on the success of implementation of all 17 SDGs.

6) IAU100: Global Perspectives on Equity, Diversity and Inclusion in Astronomy
With the 100 years celebrations and the next strategic plan drafted by 2018, inclusion and diversity are key areas to address. In these sessions different national IAU members and IAU scientific bodies reflect and share their best practices in the field and begin to draft an IAUdriven roadmap of action.

7) Diversity in Research: identity, ethnicity and culture in research teams
Here we address the importance of having diverse academic and research institutes environments. How equality and diversity are perceived from a management point of view and directly linked to innovation and competitiveness in research.


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