IAU Symposia

IAUS 313: Extragalactic Jets from every angle

Start date/time

September 15, 2014

End date/time

September 20, 2014


Puerto Ayora, Galapagos Islands,


Francesco Massaro

Event website


Coordinating Division

Division B Facilities, Technologies and Data Science, Division D High Energy Phenomena and Fundamental Physics, Division J Galaxies and Cosmology

Co-Chairs of SOC:
Francesco (Massaro)
Aneta (Siemiginowska)
Ericson (Lopez)
C. C. (Teddy) (Cheung)

Co-Chairs of LOC:
Ericson (Lopez)


  1. The unified picture of extragalactic jets: from blazars to radio galaxies
  2. The multifrequency behavior of highly beamed jets in blazars
  3. Timing Jets: unveiling the nature of the extragalactic jet variability
  4. The interaction between jets and their surrounding environment
  5. The fate of young radio galaxies
  6. How observations of jets constrain the growth of supermassive black holes in the early Universe
  7. Launching jets: inferring jet power and their energetic
  8. Determination of particle acceleration and emission sites of extragalactic jets
  9. The origin of X-ray emission from jets at all scales
  10. The nature of jet composition, structure, collimation and the role of the magnetic fields


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