Joint Discussions (GA)


Aug 3 -
Aug 5
JD4 Progress in Understanding the Physics of Ap and Related Stars Rio de Janeiro
Aug 3 -
Aug 5
JD3 Neutron Stars - Timing in Extreme Environments Rio de Janeiro
Aug 3 -
Aug 5
JD1 Dark Matter in Early-type Galaxies Rio de Janeiro
Aug 3 -
Aug 14
To be presented at the IAU XXVII General Assembly - Details on these IAU Joint Discussions can be found in IAU Information Bulletin No. 102 Rio de Janeiro


Aug 23 JD17 Highlights of Recent Progress in the Seismology of the Sun and Sun-like Stars Prague
Czech Republic
Aug 22 -
Aug 23
JD14 Modelling Dense Stellar Systems Prague
Czech Republic
Aug 22 -
Aug 23
JD16 Nomenclature, Precession and New Models in Fundamental Astronomy Prague
Czech Republic
Aug 22 -
Aug 23
JD15 New Cosmology Results from the Spitzer Space Telescope Prague
Czech Republic
Aug 22 -
Aug 23
JD13 Exploiting Large Surveys for Galactic Astronomy Prague
Czech Republic
Aug 21 JD12 Long Wavelength Astrophysics Prague
Czech Republic
Aug 21 JD11 Pre-Solar Grains as Astrophysical Tools Prague
Czech Republic
Aug 21 -
Aug 22
JD10 Progress in Planetary Exploration Missions Prague
Czech Republic
Aug 17 -
Aug 18
JD09 Supernovae: One Millennium after SN1006 Prague
Czech Republic
Aug 17 -
Aug 18
JD08 Solar and Stellar Activity Cycles Prague
Czech Republic
Aug 17 -
Aug 18
JD07 The Universe at z>6 Prague
Czech Republic
Aug 17 -
Aug 18
JD06 Neutron Stars and Black Holes in Star Clusters Prague
Czech Republic
Aug 16 JD05 Calibrating the Top of the Stellar M-L Relation Prague
Czech Republic
Aug 16 -
Aug 17
JD04 The Ultraviolet Universe: Stars from Birth to Death Prague
Czech Republic
Aug 16 -
Aug 17
JD03 Solar Active Regions and 3D Magnetic Structure Prague
Czech Republic
Aug 16 -
Aug 17
JD02 On the Present and Future of Pulsar Astronomy Prague
Czech Republic


Showing 21 to 40 of 41

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