Dear Division H,
This message is to announce a Focus Meeting for the IAU General Assembly to be held in 2018:
Radial Metallicity Gradients in Star-Forming Galaxies
Focus Meeting 7 at the IAU General Assembly
Vienna, Austria
August 28 – 29, 2018
Scientific Rationale:
FM7 will be a forum to discuss the recent advances in the field of the spatial distribution of metallicity in galaxies, including the Milky Way. Radial metallicity gradients have been successfully used through the recent past to set important constraints on the chemical evolution of galaxies. However, some fundamental key questions, as, for instance, how gradients evolve with time, are still under debate.
Current results from large Galactic and extragalactic surveys have brought a wealth of new information on several aspects of gradients of star-forming galaxies, such as, e.g., their shape as function of galaxy properties, their possible bimodality, and their evolution with time. This meeting will focus on metallicity gradients to emphasize the major achievements and requirements both in the observational field and in the new chemo-dynamical evolutionary models.
The proposed scientific program includes a variety of probes and observational techniques, both in the Milky Way and in external galaxies, although it will be very focused on the implications of radial metallicity gradients for galaxy formation and evolution.
Focus meeting topics:
- Observations of metallicity gradients in the Milky Way: nebular probes (PNe, HII regions) and stellar probes (Supergiants, Cepheids, Open Clusters, field stars). Impact of Gaia.
- Observations in the Local Universe: the present state-of-the-art and the impact of future instrumentation.
- Pushing the envelope: observations at intermediate and high redshifts.
- Large spectroscopic surveys in the context of metallicity gradients: results for the on-going surveys (e.g., Gaia-ESO, APOGEE, GALAH, CALIFA, MANGA) and expectations from the forthcoming ones (e.g., WEAVE, 4MOST, MOONS).
- Effects of galaxy interactions, and the environment clusters vs. isolated galaxies on radial metallicity gradients.
- Time evolution of the radial metallicity gradient, and the implications of radial migration.
- Methods to measure the metallicity, e.g. strong line metallicity calibrations vs. direct measurement of the electron temperature, and their impact on metallicity gradients.
- Measuring the metal content with dust: the relation between dust and metallicity, and its implication in our knowledge of the gas content.
More information on the symposium website:
Register through the IAU:
Early registration and travel grant applications due by January 31, 2018.
Confirmed Invited Speakers:
- Laura Inno (MPIA, Heidelberg, Germany)
- Jorge Garcia Rojas (IAC, Tenerife, Spain)
- Sofia Randich (INAF, Florence, Italy)
- Maosheng Xiang (Peking University, Beijing, China)
- Danielle Berg (Ohio State University, USA)
- Francesco Belfiore (University of California, Santa Cruz, USA)
- Simone Bianchi (INAF, Florence, Italy)
- Lisa Kewley (Australian National University, Canberra, Australia)
- Ivan Minchev (AIP, Postdam, Germany)
- Patricia Tissera (Universidad Andres Bello, Chile)
- Jo Bovy (University of Toronto, Canada)
- Letizia Stanghellini (co-Chair, NOAO, USA)
- Laura Magrini (co-Chair, INAF Florence, Italy)
- Katia Cunha (co-Chair, Observatorio Nacional, Brazil & University of Arizona, USA)
- Magda Arnaboldi (ESO, Germany)
- Fabio Bresolin (Institute for Astronomy, Hawaii, USA)
- Viviana Casasola (INAF Florence, Italy)
- Brad Gibson (University of Hull, UK)
- Karen Kwitter (Williams College, USA)
- Xiao-wei Liu (Peking University, China)
- Melissa Ness (MPIA, Germany)
- Miriam Pena (UNAM, Mexico)
- Leonid Pilyugin (Main Astronomical Observatory, Ukraine)
- Sofia Randich (INAF Florence, Italy)
- Sebastian Sanchez (UNAM, Mexico)
- Patricia Sanchez-Blazquez (UAM, Spain)
- Jose Vilchez (IAA, Spain)
- Gayandhi De Silva (AAO/USyd, Australia)
We look forward to seeing you in Vienna!
Letizia Stanghellini, Laura Magrini, and Katia Cunha