ann16023 — Announcement

A Ring Around SN1987A
18 May 2016
IAU Symposia for 2017 Announced

The IAU Symposia are the scientific flagship of the IAU. They are intended to significantly advance the field, seeking answers to the current key questions and/or emerging concepts through a program of invited reviews, invited papers, contributed papers, poster papers, and ample time for discussion.

The IAU can only support nine symposia per year. Thirty three valid proposals for symposia in 2017 were received, and the ad-hoc Evaluation Committee, composed of the six IAU Vice-Presidents and the nine Division Presidents, and chaired by the IAU Assistant General Secretary, had to select and recommend just nine for approval by the IAU Executive Committee. Consequently many good proposals could not be selected.

The recommended list of nine IAU Symposia for 2017, approved at the annual IAU Executive Committee meeting held in Mexico City, is as follows:

  • IAUS 331 SN1987A, 30 years later
  • IAUS 332 Astrochemistry VII — Through the Cosmos from Galaxies to Planets
  • IAUS 333 Peering towards Cosmic Dawn
  • IAUS 334 Rediscovering our Galaxy
  • IAUS 335 Space Weather of the Heliosphere: Processes and Forecasts
  • IAUS 336 Astrophysical Masers: Unlocking the Mysteries of the Universe
  • IAUS 337 Pulsar Astrophysics: The next 50 years
  • IAUS 338 Gravitational Wave Astrophysics: Early Results from GW Searches and Electromagnetic Counterparts
  • IAUS 339 Southern Horizons in Time-Domain Astronomy

Please note that Symposium 330, Astrometry and Astrophysics in the Gaia sky, which was originally scheduled for 2016, has been postponed and will also be held during 2017 (see the Future Symposia web page for a full listing).

More information

The IAU is the international astronomical organisation that brings together more than 10 000 professional astronomers from almost 100 countries. Its mission is to promote and safeguard the science of astronomy in all its aspects through international cooperation. The IAU also serves as the internationally recognised authority for assigning designations to celestial bodies and the surface features on them. Founded in 1919, the IAU is the world's largest professional body for astronomers.



Teresa Lago
IAU Assistant General Secretary
Paris, France
Tel: +33 1 43 25 83 58

Lars Lindberg Christensen
IAU Press Officer
Garching bei München, Germany
Tel: +49 89 320 06 761
Cell: +49 173 38 72 621

About the Announcement



A Ring Around SN1987A
