IAU Secretariat

The Secretariat is the focal point for all communications concerning the IAU:

IAU–UAI Secretariat
98-bis Blvd Arago
F–75014 Paris

The IAU is located on the 2nd floor, offices n°270, 271 and 283. An access map in PDF format can be downloaded here.

The IAU kindly acknowledges CNRS-INSU for hosting us at the Institut d'Astrophysique de Paris (IAP).

Phone: +33 1 43 25 83 58 
Email: iauinfos@iap.fr


  1. For IAU Members and Institutions:

    On matters related to General Secretariat, Administration, Finances or National Membership please contact:

    Maria Rosaria D'Antonio
    Email: dantonio@iap.fr

    For inquiries on IAU Divisions, Commissions and Working Groups and for address changes or information concerning IAU Individual or Junior Membership, please contact:

    Lina Canas 
    Email: lina.canas@iap.fr / iauinfos@iap.fr

    Inquiries about IAU policy and general matters, cooperation with other Unions or Institutions, IAU Regional Meetings, requests for endorsements or sponsorship should be directed to the IAU General Secretary:

    Prof. Diana Worrall (IAU General Secretary)
    Email: IAU-general.secretary@iap.fr

    Inquiries concerning specific planned, approved, or ongoing IAU Symposia and Focus Meetings should be directed to the IAU Assistant General Secretary:
                                                                                                                                                                                                                        Prof. Laura Ferrarese
    Email: IAU-assistant.general.secretary@iap.fr

    Inquiries concerning the website should be addressed to the IAU webmaster (see below).

  2. For the General Public:

    Queries and questions from the public on IAU-related matters can be sent to the email below. We kindly ask you to use English only. Please check our FAQ first if there may an answer there. Note that we unfortunately do not have the human resources to answer emails about specific astronomical topics. However, there are several websites that can give you detailed information if you post a question.

    You may also contact the IAU Office for Astronomy Outreach at:
    Email: public@oao.iau.org 

  3. For Press inquiries
    IAU Press Officer, Guido Schwarz (iaupressoffice@iau.org)

    The IAU kindly acknowledges the European Southern Observatory (ESO) for hosting the IAU web services. 


IAU General Secretary
Diana Worrall

IAU–UAI Secretariat
98-bis Blvd Arago
F–75014 Paris

Phone: +33 1 43 25 83 58

IAU Assistant General Secretary
Laura Ferrarese

IAU–UAI Secretariat
98-bis Blvd Arago
F–75014 Paris

IAU Head of Administration / Secretariat Director
Maria Rosaria D'Antonio

IAU–UAI Secretariat
98-bis Blvd Arago
F–75014 Paris

Phone: +33 1 43 25 83 58
Short CV: PDF 39 KB


IAU Membership Coordinator
Lina Canas

IAU–UAI Secretariat
98-bis Blvd Arago
F–75014 Paris

Email 1: lina.canas@iap.fr
Email 2: canas@iap.fr
Short CV: PDF 33 KB



IAU Advanced Projects Coordinator
Gurvan Bazin

ESO Department of Communication
Karl-Schwarzschild-Strasse 2
DE - 85748 Garching bei München

Email: Gurvan.Bazinesoorg
Short CV: PDF 208 KB


IAU Head of Web Team
Raquel Yumi Shida

ESO Department of Communication
Karl-Schwarzschild-Strasse 2
DE - 85748 Garching bei München

Email: rshidaesoorg
Short CV: PDF 103 KB




Donate to the IAU

Donate to the IAU

General Assembly 2024

IAU General Assembly 2024

IAU Strategic Plan 2020–2030

Strategic Plan

IAU Code of Conduct

Code of Conduct

Symposia and Meetings



How to Become a Member

Deceased Members

Deceased Members

Centre for the Protection of the Dark and Quiet Sky from Satellite Constellation Interference


IAU Catalyst

Latest Catalyst

IAU e-Newsletter
Volume 2024 n° 7

Latest e-Newsletter

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IAU Office of Astronomy for Development

Office for Astronomy Development

IAU Office for Young Astronomers

Office for Young Astronomers

IAU Office for Astronomy Outreach

Office for Astronomy Outreach

IAU Office of Astronomy for Education

Office of Astronomy for Education

International School for Young Astronomers

International School for Young Astronomers

WG Small Bodies Nomenclature Bulletins

WG Small Bodies Nomenclature Bulletins

IAU WG Women in Astronomy Newsletters and Ensemble Magazine

WG Women in Astronomy Newsletters
