Note: the following list gives the names of all the IAU members registered in the database for this National Member country. Names in blue link to their respective profiles, as recorded in the IAU "Individual or Junior Members" Directory. Names in black do not have a visible profile, because they are inactive.

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Total Number: 656 (597 Individual Members, 59 Junior Members)

Total Active Members: 644

Aarseth, Sverre Ade, Peter Aggarwal, Kanti
Aigrain, Suzanne Alexander, Paul Allan, Alasdair
Allan, Peter Allison, James Almaini, Omar
Alsabti, Abdul Athem ANTOLIN, Patrick Anugu, Narsireddy (Junior Member)
Aragón-Salamanca, Alfonso Ardavan, Houshang Argo, Megan
Argyle, Robert Asher, David Avison, Adam
Baddiley, Christopher Bagnulo, Stefano Bailey, Mark
Baker, Deborah Baker, Joanne Baldry, Ivan
Balikhin, Michael Ball, Warrick Bamford, Steven
Banerji, Manda Barber, Robert Barclay, Charles
Barker, Adrian Barlow, Michael Barstow, Joanna
Barstow, Martin Baruch, John Baskill, Darren
Bastian, Nathan Bates, Brian Battino, Umberto (Junior Member)
Battye, Richard Bell, Steven Bell Burnell, Jocelyn
Bempong-Manful, Emmanuel (Junior Member) Bennett, Jim Bentley, Robert
Berger, Mitchell Berman, Nigel Bernard-Salas, Jeronimo
Berry, Christopher Bersier, David Bewsher, Danielle
Bhatawdekar, Rachana (Junior Member) Bhowmik, Prantika (Junior Member) Bianconi, Matteo (Junior Member)
Bingham, Robert Binney, James Bloomfield, D.
Bluck, Asa Blundell, Katherine Bode, Michael
Boksenberg, Alec Boles, Thomas Bolton, James
Bonne, Nicolas Borisov, Galin Botha, Gert
Bothwell, Matthew Boubert, Douglas (Junior Member) Bourke, Tyler
Bowman, Dominic (Junior Member) Boyd, David Boyle, Stephen
Brand, Peter Branduardi-Raymont, Graziella Bray, Justin
Bremer, Malcolm Breton, Rene Bridle, Sarah
Brinks, Elias Bromage, Gordon Brooke, John
Browne, Ian Browning, Matthew Browning, Philippa
Bunce, Emma Bunker, Andrew Bureau, Martin
Burningham, Ben Burton, Michael Buscher, David
Bushby, Paul Butchins, Sydney Butler, Christopher
Byrne, Conor (Junior Member) Calabrese, Erminia Caleb, Manisha (Junior Member)
Cameron, Andrew Campbell-White, Justyn (Junior Member) Cappellari, Michele
Cargill, Peter Carr, Bernard Carswell, Robert
Casewell, Sarah Casey, Morag Catchpole, Robin
Chamcham, Khalil Changeat, Changeat (Junior Member) Chaplin, William
Chapman, Emma Chapman, Sandra Charles, Philip
Chen, Christopher Chowdhury, Mohammad (Junior Member) Christou, Apostolos
Clarke, David Clear, Christian (Junior Member) Clegg, Robin
Clements, David Clowes, Roger Clube, Kim
Coates, Andrew Cole, David Cole, Shaun
Concepcion, Florence (Junior Member) Cooper, Nicholas Copperwheat, Christopher
Coppin, Kristen Corbett, Ian Cotter, Garret
Crawford, Carolin Crawford, Ian Cropper, Mark
Croston, Judith Crowther, Paul Cruise, Adrian
Cui, Weiguang Culhane, John Czekala, Ian
Dalgleish, Hannah (Junior Member) Dalla, Silvia Dalton, Gavin
Daniels, Paul Darnley, Matthew Davidson, William
Davies, Benjamin Davies, Claire (Junior Member) Davies, John
Davies, Roger Davis, Gary Davis, Timothy
De Angeli, Francesca Debattista, Victor Dhillon, Vikram
Diamond, Philip Diego, Francisco Dipper, Nigel
Disney, Michael Diver, Declan Dominik, Martin
Donnison, John Doyle MRIA, John Drew, Janet
Dufton, Philip (Dunkin) Beardsley, Sarah Dunlop, James
Dunlop, Storm Dupuy, Trent Dworetsky, Michael
Eales, Stephen Eden, David Edmunds, Michael
Efstathiou, George Elbakyan, Vardan Elliott, Kenneth
Ellis, Richard Elsworth, Yvonne Erdelyi, Robertus
Evans, Aneurin Evans, Christopher Evans, Dafydd
Eyres, Stewart Fabian, Andrew Falle, Samuel
Farihi, Jay Faulkner, Andrew Fender, Robert
Ferguson, Annette Ferreira, Pedro Ferreras, Ignacio
Field, J. V. Fitzsimmons, Alan Fletcher, Andrew
Fletcher, Leigh Fletcher, Lyndsay Flower, David
Fludra, Andrzej Fosbury, Robert Fossey, Stephen
Foullon, Claire Frank, Bradley Fraser, Helen
Frenk, Carlos Fuller, Gary Furniss, Ian
Fyfe, Duncan Gaensicke, Boris Gaikwad, Prakash (Junior Member)
Garrett, Michael Garrington, Simon Gibson, Brad
Gill, Michael Gill, Peter Gillanders, James (Junior Member)
Gilmore, Gerard Gittins, Fabian (Junior Member) Gledhill, Timothy
Godwin, Jon Gomez, Edward Gomez, Haley
Gough, Douglas Grady, Monica Graur, Or
Gray, Meghan Gray, Norman Green, Anne
Green, David Green, Lucie Green, Simon
Gregory, Scott Greve, Thomas Grube, Jeffrey
Gull, Stephen Gumjudpai, Burin Gunn, Alastair
Gupta, Jennifer Habergham-Mawson, Stacey Haehnelt, Martin
Hall, Graham Hammond, Neil Haniff, Christopher
Hannah, Iain Hardcastle, Martin Harper, David
Harra, Louise (Harris) Law, Stella Harrison, Christopher (Junior Member)
Harrison, Richard Hartquist, Thomas Harwood, Jeremy (Junior Member)
Hassall, Barbara Haswell, Carole Hatchell, Jennifer
Hawkins, Michael Haworth, Thomas Hayward, John
Healy, Julia (Junior Member) Healy-Kalesh, Michael (Junior Member) Heavens, Alan
Heggie, Douglas Hellier, Coel Helling, Christiane
Hendry, Martin Hewett, Paul Higgins, Erin (Junior Member)
Higgs, Vince Hilditch, Ronald Hillier, Andrew
Hirschi, Raphael Ho, Wynn Hoare, Melvin
Hodgkin, Simon Hönig, Sebastian Hohenkerk, Catherine
Holbrook, Jarita Holdsworth, Daniel (Junior Member) Holloway, Nigel
Hood, Alan Horne, Keith Hough, James
Howarth, Ian Hughes, David Hunt OBE, Garry
Igoshev, Andrei Iliev, Ilian Inserra, Cosimo
Ioppolo, Sergio Irwin, Michael Irwin, Patrick
Ivison, Robert Izzard, Robert Jackson, John
Jackson, Neal Jaffe, Andrew Jankowski, Fabian (Junior Member)
Jardine, Moira Jarvis, Johanna Jeffery, Simon
Jeffrey, Natasha Jimenez-Serra, Izaskun Joachimi, Benjamin
Jones, Gareth (Junior Member) Jones, Geraint Jones, Hugh
Jones, Olivia Jordan, Carole Jorden, Paul
Joyce, Simon (Junior Member) Kanbur, Shashi Kankare, Erkki
Kaviraj, Sugata Keane, Evan Kerins, Eamonn
Khan, J King, Andrew Kingston, Arthur
Kitching, Thomas Kobayashi, Chiaki Kobayashi, Shiho
Kolb, Ulrich Kontar, Eduard Korsos, Marianna (Junior Member)
Krause, Martin Kreplin, Alexander Kuchner, Ulrike (Junior Member)
Kuin, Paul Kurtz, Donald Labrosse, Nicolas
Lacey, Cedric Lahav, Ofer Lamb, Gavin (Junior Member)
Landt, Hermine Lapington, Jon LAPORTE, Nicolas
Lasenby, Anthony Leahy, J. Leclercq, Florent
Lewis, Fraser Liddle, Andrew Lintott, Chris
Liu, Jiajia Lloyd, Myfanwy Long, David
Longair, Malcolm Longmore, Steven Love, Gordon
Loveday, Jon Lucey, John Lyman, Joseph
Lynas-Gray, Anthony Lyne, Andrew Lyon, Ian
MacCallum, Malcolm Maciejewski, Witold Mackay, Duncan
MacKinnon, Alexander MacTaggart, David Maddox, Natasha
Maddox, Stephen Magorrian, Stephen Maguire-Rajpaul, Vinesh (Junior Member)
Maiolino, Roberto Malik, Karim Mandel, Kaisey
Mann, Robert Mao, Shude Martin-Alvarez, Sergio (Junior Member)
Masheder, Michael Mason, Helen Mason, John
Massey, Robert Mathioudakis, Mihalis Matsuura, Mikako
Matthews, Sarah Maughan, Ben Mazzali, Paolo
Mccombie, June McKim, Richard McMahon, Richard
Meaburn, John Meikle, William Meiksin, A.
Merrifield, Michael Millar, Thomas Miller, John
Miller, Steve Mingo, Beatriz Mitton, Jacqueline
Mitton, Simon Moffett, Mark Moore, Daniel
Morabito, Leah (Junior Member) Morison, Ian Morrell, Samuel (Junior Member)
Morris, David Morris, Rhys Morris, Simon
Morrison, Leslie Mortimer, Daniel (Junior Member) Mortlock, Daniel
Morton, Richard Mulay, Sargam (Junior Member) Muldrew, Stuart
Murdin, Paul Murphy, Alexander Murray, Carl
Murray, John Murtagh, Fionn Musset, Sophie (Junior Member)
Muxlow, Thomas Nakariakov, Valery Napier, William
Napiwotzki, Ralf Naylor, Tim Nelmes, Susan
Nelson, Alistair Nelson, Richard Neukirch, Thomas
Neunteufel, Patrick (Junior Member) Nežič, Rok (Junior Member) Nicholson, Belinda (Junior Member)
Norris, Mark Norton, Andrew O'Brien, Paul
O'Brien, Tim Oliveira, Joana Oliver, Sebastian
Onions, Julian (Junior Member) Orford, Keith Osborne, John
Osborne, Julian Oudmaijer, Rene Owens, Mathew
Padman, Rachael Page, Clive Page, Mathew
Papaloizou, John Park, Junho Parnell, Clare
Peach, Gillian Peacock, John Pearce, Frazer
Pearce, Gillian Pedlar, Alan Peel, Michael
Penny, Alan Penston, Margaret Perez-Suarez, David
Perryman, Michael Petkaki, Panagiota Phillipps, Steven
Phillips, Kenneth Pickering, Juliet Pilkington, John
Pimbblet, Kevin Pitkin, Matthew Plane, John
Pledger, Joanne Pollacco, Don Ponman, Trevor
Popescu, Cristina Pounds, Kenneth Prema, Paresh
Priest, Eric Pringle, James Prinja, Raman
Pritchard, Jonathan Proctor, Michael Prosser, Sian
Pye, John Queloz, Didier Quenby, John
Rajantie, Arttu Ramsay, Gavin Rawlings, Jonathan
Read, Andrew Read, Shaun (Junior Member) Rees, David
Rees, Martin Regnier, Stephane Reid, Jack (Junior Member)
Rice, William Richer, John Ridpath, Ian
Rimmer, Paul Roberts, Timothy Robson, Ian
Roche, Patrick Roche, Paul Rolfe, Samantha (Junior Member)
Romer, A. Rowan-Robinson, Michael Roxburgh, Ian
Ruffa, Ilaria (Junior Member) Ruffert, Maximilian Ruggles, Clive
Rushton, Anthony Russel, Sara Russell, Alexander
Ryan, Sean Saintonge, Amelie Sakano, Masaaki
Salaris, Maurizio Sánchez de Miguel, Alejandro (Junior Member) Sansom, Anne
Sargent, Mark Sarre, Peter Sarson, Graeme
Sarzi, Marc Sathyaprakash, Bangalore Savini, Giorgio
Saxena, Aayush (Junior Member) Scaringi, Simone Schilizzi, Richard
Schoenrich, Ralph Schure, Klara Schwamb, Meg
Schwartz, Steven Scott, Paul Sekhar, Aswin
Serjeant, Stephen Shanklin, Jonathan Shanks, Thomas
Sharples, Ray Shukurov, Anvar Sicilia-Aguilar, Aurora
Simmons, Brooke Simoes, Paulo Sims, Mark
Skilling, John Sleath, John Smail, Ian
Smalley, Barry Smart, Brianna (Junior Member) Smartt, Stephen
Smith, Daniel Smith, Francis Smith, Graham
Smith, Keith Smith, Ken Smith, Matthew
Smith, Michael Smith, Robert Smith, Rodney
Snodgrass, Colin Soboczenski, Frank (Junior Member) Sorensen, Soren-Aksel
Southworth, John Spencer, Ralph Srivastav, Shubham (Junior Member)
Stallard, Thomas Stamatellos, Dimitris Stanway, Elizabeth
Stappers, Benjamin Starling, Rhaana Stephenson, F.
Stevens, Ian Steves, Bonnie Stewart, Paul
Stolyarov, Vladislav Stott, John Sullivan, Mark
Summers, Hugh Sutherland, William Sylvester, Roger
Tajfirouze, Edris Taub, Liba Tavakol, Reza
Taylor, Angela Taylor, Donald Tazzari, Marco (Junior Member)
Tedds, Jonathan Tennyson, Jonathan Terlevich, Elena
Terlevich, Roberto Thomas, Peter Thomasson, Peter
Thurston, Mark Tinetti, Giovanna Tobias, Steven
Tout, Christopher Tritton, Keith Trotta, Roberto
Tsiklauri, David Unruh, Yvonne Urquhart, Sheona
Valori, Gherardo van den Eijnden, Jakob (Junior Member) van Leeuwen, Floor
van Loon, Jacco Vasta, Magda Vaughan, Simon
Veck, Nicholas Vekstein, Gregory Veras, Dimitri
Verma, Aprajita Verscharen, Daniel Verwichte, Erwin
Vincenzo, Fiorenzo (Junior Member) Vink, Jorick Viti, Serena
Waddington, Ian Wakeford, Hannah Walker, David
Walker, Edward Wallace, Patrick Wallis, Max
Walsh, Robert Walton, Nicholas Ward, Martin
Ward-Thompson, Derek Watkins, Aaron (Junior Member) Watson, Michael
Watt, Clare Watt, Graeme Webster, Adrian
Weijmans, Anne-Marie Wesson, Roger Wheatley, Peter
White, Glenn Whiting, Alan Whittaker, James
Whitworth, Anthony Wickramasinghe, N. Wienen, Marion (Junior Member)
Wilkins, George Wilkins, Stephen Wilkinson, Peter
Williams, David (Junior Member) Williams, David Williams, David
Williams, Iwan Williams, Peredur Williams, Robin
Willstrop, Roderick Wilmot, Antonia Wilson, Colin
Wilson, Lionel Woan, Graham Woods, Paul
Worley, C. Worrall, Diana Wright, Ian
Wright, Nicholas Wyper, Peter Yallop, Bernard
Young, Andrew Young, John Younsi, Ziri
Zabriskie, F. Zane, Silvia Zarnecki, John
Zhang, Keke Zharkova, Valentina Zijlstra, Albert
Zsidi, Gabriella (Junior Member) Zytkow, Anna


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