Paresh Prema
UK Hydrographic Office
HM Nautical Almanac Office
Admiralty Way
Taunton TA1 2DN
United Kingdom
Phone: +44 7863345342
NCA adherence: United Kingdom
Last updated:
November 20, 2023
IAU Status
Active Member
Affiliation(s) within the IAU
Areas of interest
1 - General: 1.2 - Extraterrestrial intelligence, 1.6 - Astronomy Education, 1.10 - Astronomy for Development, 1.11 - Standards
2 - Physical data and processes: 2.6 - Astroparticle physics, 2.11 - Elementary particles, 2.13 - Gravitation, 2.15 - Gravitational waves, 2.22 - Neutrinos
3 - Astronomical instrumentation, methods and techniques: 3.3 - Instrumentation, 3.5 - Methods, 3.9 - Techniques, 3.10 - Telescopes: optical, 3.12- Adaptive optics
4 - Astronomical data bases: 4.3 - Catalogs, 4.4 - Surveys, 4.5 - Virtual observatory tools
5 - Astrometry and celestial mechanics: 5.1 - Astrometry, 5.2 - Celestial mechanics, 5.4 - Ephemerides, 5.8 - Reference systems, 5.9 - Time
6 - The Sun: 6.6 - Sun: coronal mass ejections (CMEs), 6.10 - Sun: flares, 6.12 - Sun: general, 6.20 - Sun: particle emission
7 - Planetary systems: 7.3 - Comets, 7.7 - Meteorites, meteors, meteoroids, 7.8 - Minor planets, asteroids, 7.10 - Planets and satellites:, 7.14 - Exoplanets
8 - Stars: 8.10 - Stars: formation, 8.11 - Stars: evolution, 8.13 - Stars: general
9 - Interstellar medium (ISM), nebulae: 9.6 - ISM: dust, extinction, 9.8 - ISM: general
10 - The Galaxy: 10.5 - Galaxy: evolution, 10.6 - Galaxy: formation, 10.8 - Galaxy: general, 10.17 - Galaxy: stellar content
11 - Galaxies: 11.6 - Galaxies: distances and redshifts, 11.12 - Galaxies: general, 11.14 - Galaxies: high-redshift, 11.27 - Galaxies: photometry, 11.34 - Galaxies: star formation
12 - Cosmology: 12.4 - Cosmology: observations, 12.6 - Cosmology: dark matter, 12.7 - Cosmology: dark energy, 12.10 - Cosmology: early Universe, 12.13 - Cosmology: dark ages, reionization, first stars