ann18033 — Announcement

ISC President
12 July 2018
Election of the ISC President and Officers

The new International Science Council (ISC), created by the merging of ICSU (International Council for Science) and ISSC (International Social Sciences Council), met in its first General Assembly in Paris, from 3-5 July 2018. The ISC will represent more than 180 scientific organisations from all around the globe. During the Assembly, the members elected the Officers (President, President-elect, 2 Vice-Presidents and the Secretary) and 10 Ordinary Members.

The elected President is Prof. Daya Reddy, born in South Africa, who holds the South African Research Chair in Computational Mechanics at the University of Cape Town.

The IAU wishes to congratulate Prof. Daya Reddy for his prestigious election and looks forward to a fruitful collaboration with the new Council, in particular in the areas of Science for Development and Inclusion, that Prof. Reddy knows well from his interaction with the Office of Astronomy for Development in Cape Town.

Prof. Reddy has been invited to give a welcome address on behalf of the ISC at the Opening Ceremony of the XXXth IAU General Assembly.

The other elected Officers of the Governing Board are Elisa Reis (Vice President), Jinghai Li (Vice President), Alik Ismail-Zadeh (Secretary) and Renée van Kessel (Treasurer). The ordinary members of the Board will be Geoffrey Boulton, Melody Burkins, Saths Cooper, Anna Davies, Pearl Dykstra, Sirimali Fernando, Ruth Fincher, James C. Liao, Natalia Tarasova and Martin Visbeck.

More Information

The IAU is the international astronomical organisation that brings together more than 10 000 professional astronomers from almost 100 countries. Its mission is to promote and safeguard the science of astronomy in all its aspects through international cooperation. The IAU also serves as the internationally recognised authority for assigning designations to celestial bodies and the surface features on them. Founded in 1919, the IAU is the world's largest professional body for astronomers.



Piero Benvenuti
General Secretary, International Astronomical Union
Paris, France
Tel: +33 1 43 25 83 58

Lars Lindberg Christensen
IAU Press Officer
Garching bei München, Germany
Tel: +49 89 320 06 761
Cell: +49 173 38 72 621

About the Announcement

