Executive Committee WG Women in Astronomy

Scientific Objectives

While the number of women studying science at an undergraduate level worldwide continues to rise and in some countries parity has been reached, work still needs to be done to formulate strategies for action to address the under representation of women in both astronomy and science beyond the student years. Back in 2013, the AAS Committee of Women in Astronomy (CSWA) Demographics Survey showed that women were making up 34% of the graduate student population, 28% and 26% of the postdoctoral and assistant professor  level respectively, 19% at the associate level and 14% at the full professor rank. Although some of these numbers seem rather small and problematic, when compared to earlier numbers (Urry, Status 2000) they indicate a significant improvement in relative terms (e.g., +50% at the assistant professor level, a factor of two for full professors). Astronomy has a high public appeal and women represent half of society’s intellectual capital, yet the average fraction of women with astronomy positions in about 15% worldwide.

Notwithstanding recent efforts to improve the status of women in astronomy (such as the Baltimore Charter and Pasadena Recommendations, the passing of IAU B4 Resolution 2009), many women astronomers still feel themselves to be at a gender-based disadvantage. Networking has proven to be a very positive resource, but without a formal structure such efforts remain fragmented and too dependent upon individual initiative. Astronomy’s prime international organisation – the IAU – has recognized and assisted the needs and endeavours of women astronomer through the establishment of an Executive Committee Working Group, at the XXVth IAU General Assembly in Sydney (Australia, July 2003).

The IAU Working Group for Women in Astronomy provides visibility, continuity, and the benefits of an official forum, as well as offers a public record of matters and statistics (though the latter are challenging to collect, also because of different professional career paths in the different countries served by the IAU). It acts as a federation of national Women in Astronomy organisations, creating links and facilitating information exchanges worldwide.

The role of the Working Group spans a broad range of areas for possible action and includes:

  • Monitoring the status of women in astronomy and recommending future actions that will improve the environment for all astronomers;
  • Liaising with committees and working groups on women in astronomy that are part of various national societies;
  • Be responsible for organising formal WG sessions at IAU General Assemblies;
  • Organise international follow-up meetings to the Baltimore and Pasadena Women in Astronomy meetings;
  • Plan outreach events at IAU symposia and colloquia, ensuring a high profile of women astronomers at local events;
  • Provide a voice for women in all countries to ensure they are well represented in the international community; and
  • Maintain a list of international women who are willing to be on SOCs, serve on peer review panels, and such, as well as provide lists of potential colloquium/conference speakers.

The Terms of Reference of the Working Group can be found here. Usually, a 3-years action plan is prepared by the Organizing Committee of the triennium and presented to the Executive Committee for final approval.

For gender statistics click here.


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