Letters of Intent received in 2018

LoI 2020-2018
Non-GA Symposium: The Rising Stars of Asteroseismology

Date: 6 July 2020 to 10 July 2020
Category: Non-GA Symposium
Location: Liège, Belgium
Contact: Joyce Guzik (joy@lanl.gov)
Coordinating division: Division G Stars and Stellar Physics
Other divisions: Division E Sun and Heliosphere
Division F Planetary Systems and Astrobiology
Division J Galaxies and Cosmology
Co-Chairs of SOC: Joyce Guzik (Los Alamos National Laboratory)
MarieJo Goupil (Observatoire de Paris, site de Meudon)
Chair of LOC: Marc-Antoine Dupret (Institut d'Astrophysique et de Géophysique, Liège)



Physics of stellar pulsations
Methods of asteroseismology
Stellar and solar physics’ probing
Interdisciplinarity: galactic archaeology and exoplanets



Eighty years ago, Paul Ledoux, then in Chicago, published with Chaim Leib Pekeris the now famous work entitled “Radial Pulsations of Stars”. Back then, stellar evolution was still in its infancy, numerical models were not computed on a massive scale as today. With the advent of computers and the improvement of observational data, the study of stellar structure and evolution has now become a central field of astrophysics, and pulsations have become the prime method to learn about the internal structure of stars.

In the last fifteen years space-based telescopes provided us a tremendous amount of data, opening the way to test stellar models with unprecedented thoroughness. It is now up to theoretical stellar physicists to use these observations to improve stellar models and provide to fields such as exoplanetary science and Galactic archaeology the accurate stellar properties they need.

The aim of this symposium is to present the impact of asteroseismology on the development of the theory of stellar structure and evolution: how it enables us to probe the micro- and macro-physics of stellar interiors (transport processes of chemicals and angular momentum), what are the missing physics and how these may be diagnosed from the analysis of stellar oscillations. All types of pulsating stars for which asteroseismology is possible are considered. New more accurate methods of seismic probing and models of stellar oscillations are presented. The interaction with other fields like Galactic archaeology and exo-planetology is also emphasized. Finally, a special attention is given to the probing of our Sun by helioseismology and the extension of these techniques to other stars.

We foresee a limited number of invited reviews and ample time for contributed talks as well as poster sessions. The program will be composed such as to ensure that the majority of time is devoted to presentations of the latest discoveries by the young generation of asteroseismologists, with attention to gender and geographical balance.