IAU e-Newsletter - Volume 2013 n°2
Sent electronically to Individual Members on May 29, 2013
by Thierry Montmerle, General Secretary
Items 1 and 2 below result from decisions taken by the IAU Executive Committee (EC) during its last meeting, held in Nara, Japan, May 9-11, 2013. Division Presidents were invited to participate in the discussions. A more detailed account of this meeting will be published in the next Information Bulletin, scheduled to appear in July.
- List of approved Symposia for 2014
- Changes in the format of General Assembly meetings
- Elections of the Division Steering Committees
- A reminder of other forthcoming Dates & Deadlines (2013)
1. List of approved Symposia for 2014
S # |
Proposer |
Title |
Supporting Divisions |
Symposium Site |
Symposium Date |
305 |
Lites |
Polarimetry: from the Sun to Stars and Stellar Environments |
E, B, F, G |
Punta Leona, Costa Rica |
Jan 19-24 |
306 |
Heavens |
Statistical challenges in 21st Century Cosmology (SCCC 21) |
B, J |
Lisbon, Portugal |
May 25-29 |
307 |
Meynet |
New windows on Massive Stars, Asteroseismology, Interferometry and Spectropolarimetry |
G |
Geneva, Switzerland |
Jun 23-27 |
308 |
Shandarin |
The Zeldovich' Universe: Genesis and Growth of the Cosmic Web |
J |
Tallin, Estonia |
Jun 23-28 |
309 |
Ziegler |
Galaxies in 3D across the Universe |
J, B, H |
Vienna, Austria |
Jun30 - Jul 4 |
310 |
Lemaitre |
Complex Planetary Systems |
A, F |
Namur, Belgium |
Jul 7-11 |
311 |
Cappellari |
Galaxies Masses as Constraints of Formation Models |
J, B, G, H |
Oxford, UK |
Jul 14-18 |
312 |
Spurzem |
Star Clusters and Black Holes in Galaxies across Cosmic Time |
H, D, G, J |
Beijng, China Nanjing |
Aug 25-29 |
313 |
Massaro |
Extragalactic Jets from every angle |
D, B, J |
Puerto Ayora, Ecuador |
Sep 15-20 |
Please note that dates may change: check the IAU web page (https://www.iau.org/science/meetings/future/symposia/) for updates.
2. Changes in the format of General Assembly meetings
Reexamining the present format of meetings at the General Assembly (GA), and taking into account the enhanced role of Divisions in the new IAU structure, the EC and Division Presidents discussed and approved a new format, summarized as follows.
- GA Symposia are unchanged (six selected; duration: 3.5 days). Typically, they are supported by several Divisions.
- "Focus Meetings" are introduced, and replace the traditional "Special Sessions" and "Joint Discussions", which had become essentially undistinguishable. While more specialized than Symposia ("focused"), they are still interdisciplinary in nature, and last 1-3 days. They could be supported by several Commissions of one Division, or by more than one Division. Note that, also contrary to the tradition for Special Sessions, no GA Symposia below the selection threshold may be converted into the new "Focus Meetings". Given the time available, it is expected that about 15 "Focus Meetings" will be selected.
- "Division Meetings" are also introduced, and replace the traditional "business meetings". They will be organized by the Division Steering Committees. They will be science-based, and include a short "business session". Their duration will normally be 2 days, but may be extended to 3 days after discussion across Divisions and with the General Secretary. The third day will be allotted after specific review and if the available time allows.
The deadlines for submission of Letters of Intent and for the final proposals, both for 2015 Symposia and GA Focus Meetings, are respectively Sep.15 and Dec.15, 2013 (as before). The program deadline for Division Meetings will be Dec.15, 2014.
More details will be given in the forthcoming Information Bulletin and in the IAU web pages.
3. Elections of the Division Steering Committees
The Division Steering Committees have been established for all Divisions. They are composed of the Division Presidents and Vice-Presidents, all Presidents of the relevant Commissions, and six elected members. Their membership can be found in the respective Division pages in the IAU web site.
4. A reminder of other forthcoming Dates & Deadlines (2013)
- The dates and details of the next eight IAU Symposia and of the Latin-American IAU Regional Meeting (LARIM) can be found at:
- 15 Sep
Deadline for submitting Letters of Intent for 2015 IAU Symposia.
Note that 2015 is the year of the next IAU GA in Honolulu, Hawaii, USA.
Symposia may be proposed for inclusion in the GA program, and six will be selected among them. The same deadline applies to GA "Focus" Meetings. See the new format for GA meetings (item 2 above).
- 4-8 Nov
COSPAR Capacity Building Workshop on Atmospheric Correction of Earth Observation Data for Environmental Monitoring: Theory and Best Practices.
(This meeting is co-sponsored by the IAU.)
Gistda, Bangkok, Thailand
Contact: cospar2013@gistda.or.th
URL: www.cospar2013.gistda.or.th
- 30 Nov
Deadline for application to the Gruber Fellowships
See: https://www.iau.org/grants_prizes/gruber_foundation/fellowships/
- 15 Dec
Deadline for submission of full proposals for 2015 IAU Symposia and GA "Focus" Meetings.
- 15 Dec
Deadline for nominations to the Gruber Cosmology Prize
See: http://www.gruberprizes.org/Nominations/Cosmology.php
Thierry Montmerle
IAU General Secretary
May 29, 2013