IAU e-Newsletter - Volume 2007 n°2

Sent electronically to Individual Members on June 1, 2007
by Karel A. van der Hucht, General Secretary

1. Call for proposals for IAU Scientific Meetings in 2009: Symposia, GA-Symposia, GA Joint Discussions and GA-Special Sessions

The IAU is soliciting proposals for scientific meetings in 2009:

For all these scientific meetings, prospective proposers should observe the Rules and Guidelines for IAU Scientific Meetings, as presented on this link . Note that for meetings held at the GA, no LOC or registration fee to be proposed.

Letters of Intent for IAU Scientific Meetings in 2009 should be submitted to the IAU Assistant General Secretary, Dr. Ian F. Corbett
<icorbett@eso.org >, on or before 15 September 2007 in accordance with the IAU Rules and Guideline for IAU Scientific Meetings.

Final proposals have to be submitted to the IAU Proposal Web Server < http://solarphys.uio.no/IAU/ > on or before 1 December 2007, following the instructions given in that Server. Proposals submitted after the deadline may be rejected.

It is essential that the all IAU Scientific Meetings cover important areas of topical interest, demonstrating continued progress in astronomy research.

Members are reminded that proposals for all Symposia, GA-Symposia, GA-Joint Discussions and GA-Special Sessions have to be backed by a coordinating IAU Division and endorsed by a reasonable number of IAU Divisions, IAU Commissions and IAU Working Groups. A report of the communication with Division and Commission presidents on the proposal has to be included in the proposal. The AGS will appreciate advance notice of such reports.

Selection of the IAU Scientific Meeting 2009 programme will be made by the IAU Executive Committee and Division Presidents in late May 2008.


2. The International Year of Astronomy 2009

All members are invited to have a look at the rapidly developing activities and plans for the IYA 2009.

See < http://www.astronomy2009.org >.