ann10009 — Announcement

The IYA2009 Legacy - Roadmap to IYA2009's Living Heritage

2 February 2010

The document "The IYA2009 Legacy - Roadmap to IYA2009’s Living Heritage" is now available for download on this link (PDF format, 155.8 KB).

Introduction: The International Year of Astronomy 2009 was never foreseen to be a “one-off” event for one year, but a means to creating structures for collaboration, lasting self-sustaining activities and innovative concepts for the communication of astronomy. Within the IYA2009 project this “living heritage” goes under the name “IYA2009 Legacy”. This paper aims at giving, already in the last month of IYA2009, an overview of this legacy to the thousands of involved participants in IYA2009 at all levels – from SPoCs/project Chairs/stakeholders onwards. It will serve as a way to communicate the ideas for the future to everyone and will hopefully inspire nations and projects to find ways for the continuation of activities and collaborations that have long-term potential.

About the Announcement
